London Broil


Don Reed

It's been a long time since I've done one but considering Harris Teeter had them as a BOGO this week I picked up 2. Just about how long will it take to grill them, they weigh about 2lbs each. I'll be using lump and grilling direct then going indirect to finish. I just can't seem to remember how long I use to cook them. Thanks
How thick are they? I go by Weber's guide of 6-8 minutes per inch on high heat. If yours is like most London broils at ~1.5" thick, it would be roughly 9-12 minutes total. Maybe do around 4 minutes per side direct then finish it off to desired doneness for a few minutes on indirect.
Thanks for the input Dave.I get the impression this isn't a very popular cut, we use to do them all the time years back before they started getting outrageous in price.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I get the impression this isn't a very popular cut, </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
"London broil" isn't a cut, it's a method of preparation. For many years now grocers have been using it as a marketing term, usually on top round. Top round remains a popular low-end cut. Different name, same thing.

What got outrageous in price years back was flank, the cut most used for London broil then.
Well I guess it didn't happen because no pics. However it was a pretty darn tasty didn't happen. Thanks for the assist ya'll. It took right around 30 minutes from the time the meat hit the grill till I pulled it to rest. I did forget the basic rule of grilling about never leaving the grill unattended and almost burned on side. I was going for 4 minutes per but ended up with 9 before I thought " Oh Chit, what the **** am I doing" Pulled them at about 165 internal, still had a little puddle of juice on the tray and nicely pink inside,the boy doesn't care much for his meat cooked any way but well done,sorry about that. Made a auju( I think thats right) out of some onion soup mix,beef boulion,gravy master,garlic powder,worchestershire,black pepper and heaven help me,ketchup. Surprised myself with the juice,not to bad. I'm thinking the left overs,for whats left,should be nice on chibatta bread with some swiss and a little of the juice
I do London Broil quite often. It is a cheap cut of meat but always tastes good. I like it medium rare. So I touch it with my finger and keep cooking til it feels like the ball of my thumb. That has always worked for me.

