Kijiji Kettle - Am I Missing Something???


G Savrnoch

TVWBB Super Fan
Saw this add today on Kijiji. It looks like an older Performer. Now maybe I am missing something but $550 - paid $899 new????????

I picked up my brand new gas assist Performer last year for $339.

Kijiji Kettle
That's an older Platinum.
No gas assist as it's the stripped down version of a Performer.
Somebody has been drinkin the kool-aide.:)

Just think how much money you can save by not having the gas assist! This is the eco version of the performer! You always pay more for the ecnonomy of savings! :rolleyes:
Timothy is right that's not a Performer. Neverless, that grill is not worth whatever the seller is going to let it go for.
Welp.........some salesmen believe there is a sucker born every day.

You know, if I post something on Kijiji/CL, I usually will check what other sellers of the same/similar items are asking, factor in age, condition, # of items with 100 kms. of me, etc....then list. I guess others just go with their gut.......Wow $550. For that I could have a new 22.5" kettle and a WSM......AND pay the gov't their share.
Take a digit off EITHER end of the price, reposition the decimal point, and then you'd be in the ballpark. So either $50.00 or $55.00.

Man! What has this clown has been smoking...??? :confused:
yea, looks like a platinum on a second look. sure wish i could get what they are on.
anyone send a note to them telling them they are waaay past being nuts ?

