Kettle Pizza on 22in + S/S Baking Steel Top + Baking Steel


Carlo Olivares

New member
I just ordered a 22in Kettle Pizza kit with the s/s Baking Steel top attachment and have been excitedly planning my set up.
I was wondering- has anyone here tried using a carbon steel Baking Steel instead of a pizza stone while cooking on the KP with a steel top? Does it make it easier to hit 900F temps for that coveted 60 second neopolitan pizza cook? Appreciate the feedback 🍕🍕🍕 Carlo
Carlo, I had a local metal shop make me a carbon steel top one like your SS one. I thought I could use it on the bottom like a griddle. Seasoned it three times and it worked good. Then I used it as the top of the kettle pizza and it got so hot that the seasoning burned off and since I did not notice, it rusted badly just overnight as I let it cool off. I think that is why they make them out of SS.

