Just inherited a 18.5 Weber with 7'' spacer. Options??

Just got this kettle from my Aunt. Has 7" spacer set up for rotisserie, but no parts included. No luck finding replacement for this size kettle OEM wise. Came across the Auspit unit tonite, any comments/critcisms. Would it adapt? My main objective is to start indirect grilling/smoking. After hours on this web site, I'm wondering if this unit can be converted into a smoker. Iv'e got low & slow book in the mail, fire bricks & liquid pans on standby. Any replies would be appreciated. This web site rocks!! Patiently waiting to fire up this grill T-you
I'd start up using your grill as a grill for the first cooks. It is a mean, lean grilling machine, and compared to most grills, the ability to adjust the temperature, and cook indirect is a learning curve in itself. It is possible to do the things that you want to try, but I'd suggest a WSM if the things you mentioned is your first priority. Possible, yes, but maybe not the ideal cooks as a beginner.

You can have lots of fun with your current grill in the meantime!
Pick up a couple of bricks from home improvement store and use them to bank the coals to one side. Put foil down on the side of the charcoal grate without coals. Put the food on the cooking grate away from the direct heat.

Here's a couple of discussions that help.


When I want to cook direct (steaks, corn, asparagus), my food goes on the hot side. I seem to cook most often on the indirect side.


