Just a couple cooks.


Phil Perrin

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Been busy as you know what this last week,but I did manage to squeeze in a couple cooks. Last monday,I did a couple sirloins and side. It was also the first time this year we were able to eat on the deck.
Last night,we had a couple friends over for rolled stuffed pork loin. It was stuffed with spinach and oh so good! Pammi Sue made a whole wheat pasta with a sage/walnut sauce and some grilled zucchini. And a favorite beverage to wash it down!
Great looking meals. I'll steal you idea on keeping the unions assembled during grilling. I've never thought of that.
Your outdoor area looks great as well.
I't a bit early to eat outside her where I live, but I'm really looking forward to be able to do it again.
Geir,I don't remember who I stole the idea from,but it was from someone on the forum. Just keep it in the family!
Awsome food Phil! but try to keep the pics post´s to Photo Gallery And i bet you will get more love
Jon,that's a wabbit. He was in the side yard while I was cutting grass. He ran to the back yard and was "hiding" by our garden. I just reached down,grabbed him by the scruff,snapped a pic,and let him go. I told him to come back Easter morning!

