Joined the Kettle World! (repost from another Kettle fan website)


Tom Jordan

Picked up my first Weber Kettle yesterday afternoon, a Performer Deluxe, and fired up a prime Costco NY Strip for dinner as a test run. (Sorry, no pics as I'm in my sixties and don't have that techno-gene to post stuff, yet). Loaded both fuel baskets with KBB and let it ash-over for about 30 minutes before closing the lid and preheating. Seared a couple of slices of Vidalia onions and the steak before moving to indirect until IT was 130. Let it sit with a couple of slabs of butter on it before slicing,,,, awesome MR deep pink throughout and a great char outside.
It's been decades since I grilled on charcoal and I can tell you that my dinner was awesome. I'd forgotten how good a charcoal char on a steak tasted. :D
No, I won't be getting rid of my Weber Summit 470 gasser or my WSM 18", but will spend a lot of time deciding which of these great products to use for each cook.
Great site here with a ton of great information, thanks and keep it up guys and girls!
That sounds like a great meal Tom. If you can handle all those great grills and smokers, doubt that you would have any real problems posting pics. Just ask for help here and it will all come together. Would love a plate of that steak.

