I've been working on my Tri's


John B

Grilling these up tonight, just started marinading them in Spade L Ranch seasoning (www.spadelranch.com, the have free samples, it's amazing on beef, and everything I guess). I will post some after pix if I am not too hungry to forget.

Those look great! I wish I could find them here and that I could get them at that price.

I cooked two last night - very good -- but they were Trader Joe's organically raised, grass fed, no antibiotic used stuff. They were very flavorful but I suspect that yours have a bit more fat and more flavor.


are those tris from Costco?

Albertsons used to sell the spade L stuff near the meat counter, it might be available @ Smiths. I've gone through a few containers of their 3 flavors... It's not bad, but not required... Salt, Pepper, & EVOO are good on it. 25 minutes on one side, 15 on the other should get you close.
Clint, yes those were Costco roasts. I seared all 4 on both sides, and then moved the two big ones to the indirect side on the 22.5, and did the same to the smaller ones on the 18.5. I cooked three of them to 135, brought the fourth one to 160 for those that like dry meat. Sorry the pictures are bad, they are all from my iPhone when light was low. And there wasn't any time to snap plate pictures, needed to feed the face instead.



Beautiful seeing a grill in the snow! The best side to go with tri-tips is pinquito beans (in the spirit of Santa Maria BBQ) I order the beans in bulk each year.

I have a hard time finding Tri-tips (like many) Guess I'll head to the Trader Joes in Richmond
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Guess I'll head to the Trader Joes in Richmond </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
John, Tom Leonards in Richmond (across Broad street and a little East of Trader Joes (between I-64 and Trader Joes)) also has them. They also have skirt steaks...our absolute favorite cut of beef.

