Is this normal or should I return this grill? (picture)


Mickey M

Closed Account

Below is a picture of a brand new sjs. I have used it one time (yesterday) to cook some brats. Didn't do anything fancy. Used 25 briquets in the normal manner.

Some of the paint on the inside of the kettle burned away I guess and it has started to rust. And this is just overnight.

Should I return it and get a new one? I bought the one you see at Walmart. I was thinking of getting my money back from Walmart and getting another from Home Depot and hope it came from another production run.

Is this a manufacturer's defect?
if its truly rust then get another from wal mart. otherwise call weber and they will send you a new lid. come to think of it, call weber. you will then have two lids.

It wasn't on the lid, it's in the kettle. And yes, it really is the beginning of rust. After reading how much people here swear by the sjs, I'm kind of shocked.

Do people coat the interiors (lid and kettle) with cooking oil or something before the first use?

The griil is literally one day old. I didn't clean it after its first use last night and I left it outside, but there was no rain lasst night.

Very disappointing. At first I was thinking I would steel wool the rust away and then spray on some Rustoleum but then I thought, "For a grill that is one day old?"

Guess they don't make them like they used to.

Hey guys,

I brought it back to Walmart and went to Home Depot and bought another ($29.99 at both places).

Maybe this was a probematic production run or something and I hope I got one from a different run at Home Depot.

What do you suppose the problem was? I think the paint (or whatever they coat this grills with) did not adhere to the metal or something and when it got hot it just burned off.

In the picture, what looks like dust is not dust, it's the paint separating from the kettle's surface. If you run for your fingers over it, you can feel that is's "bumpy."

I was going to call Weber but I opted for a quicker solution.

with mass production yer bound to have a few bad ones slip through. i have 4-5 of them with no issues. let us know how the new one works out.

