is $60 a good deal for a genesis silver?


Jason in California

Closed Account
how much do they usually go for? three years old.

Jason - could be a Spirit - however, it looks almost identical to my Genesis Silver "B" except I can't tell if it has a fold up leaf on the left hand side of the grill. The Spirit line took the design of the old Genesis after the Genesis was revamped to have a more curved lid.

I have seen Genesis Silver B's going for anywhere from $50 to $150 on CL. I paid $150 for mine a couple of years ago - it was a bit high but it had hardly been used and it was a Nat Gas version. I wanted an LP version and did the conversion, BUT I liked the idea of having the LP manifold in the event I ever got inspired and extended my natural gas line to my patio!

There should be a serial number on the inside right-hand side of the cabinet. Weber can tell you the exact model from the SN.

okay, thanks for the info! i don't know too much about the weber gassers but have always wanted to pick one up for small, easy grilling.

im just never sure if the price is good or if i'll need to buy new parts for it or what. this particular one was listed at $125.
Jason, I have a Weber Q220 gas grill that for small, easy grilling, is unparalleled. It takes about 10 minutes to get up to about 450 degrees, and the killer thing is that it has these fantastic cast iron grates that leave killer grill marks and retain heat so well. Best of all, its easy to carry to tailgates or the mother-in-law's house and a 20 lb tank of propane lasts forever. It also can use the small 14 oz or 1 lb propane tanks for portability. This time of the year, especially, it is my go-to every day gas grill for week night burgers, pork chops, chicken breasts and the like. Best of all, Phil H has some fantastic Weber Q techniques on the Weber Portable forum.

The Genesis and Spirits are great grills, but the Q is a fantastic gas alternative.

thanks again for the advice...i think. haha

now i'm going through all the Q forum threads and starting to obsess about picking one up! i'll just have to be patient and see if i can come across a good deal on CL.
I picked a Q200 off of CL last spring. I can't believe how much use it gets, and now I am thinking a Q 320. You can't go wrong with a Q!
would you guys say $60 is a good deal on this one?

i found a q320 near me, but the guy wants $275 for it and a cover and griddle which i don't really care for. it looks in great condition though.


Is that Spirit or a Genesis? What kind of condition are the grates and flavorizer bars in?

It looks likes a Genesis Silver B. If that's the case, I've got the C which is the exact same grill only with a side burner. I paid 600 for mine and it's the best grill I've ever had. I LOVE IT! So yeah, I totally recommend it for $60.

I recommend that over the Q simply because of size/accessories available for it create options you wouldnt have with a Q. Not knocking it though...I've always wanted a Q.
Originally posted by Jason K.:
i will be checking it out tomorrow.

how do i know if the flavorizer bars and grates are in good shape?

and the ad says it is a genesis silver.

Like George said. You'll know. Basically, if the flavorizer bars don't crumble in your hands, you don't need to replace them right away. And even if you do, they are cheap.

I would totally jump on that.
The pics look like it is in decent shape (at least, on the outside).

As long as the burners are not rotted-out, I would think that 60 bucks is a stone-cold STEAL.

Even though it looks like a fairly basic model, I have the older equivalent to it, and mine cooks great. Even if the flavorizer bars are going, 60 bucks plus new flavorizer bars is still way better than a brand-new "cheapo" gasser.

Did you pick it up?
What kind of grates did it have? (stamped metal with porcelain, heavy cast iron, or stainless?)
i picked up the grill for $60. here's some pics as promised. and if anyone has any corrections for my captions or advice on cleaning or on anything needing to be replaced, or on anything at all, feel free to let me know! Quick rundown: the warming rack and the one hanging inside the hood were both a bit rusty looking so might replace those.

grates with a little bit of rust on it. i think these are the PCI grates:

flavorizer bars:


inside with everything taken out:

outside after a little cleaning:



after running it hot for a little bit to burn out any grodies and putting some olive oil on the grates after it cooled for a bit:
Judging from the pics - I'd say that for 60 bucks, you got yourself a pretty decent deal.

The small bit of rust on them should pretty much be a non-factor. Check some of the information on Cast Iron Cookware for "seasoning" tips - that should take care of the few small, rusty spots / keep 'em from growing.

In order to avoid chipping the porcelain further - get a brass-bristly brush, and use it to clean the grates after pre-heating.

You don't want tiny "glass chips" in your food - if the rust progresses to an unmanageable level, (when rust starts to "bubble-up" the porcelain finish) then it's time to replace the grates

They a bit corroded, but still solid. If they work, I would keep using them until they give-out, then replace them with genuine Weber parts.
(which will fix you up for another 5-10 years.)

Make sure that you clean-out the "spider screens" at the venturi-end (where the gas valve "jet" enters the burner) - this is where the gas & air are mixed for efficient burner operation. If they plug-up, the burners will not work properly.

They look a bit rusty, but for what they do, that will not matter. until you start getting rusted-thru holes, which will be evidenced by flare-ups, I would keep using them. When the "time comes", I would get a set of the heavy stainless ones that people have been ordering from "rcplanebuyer" on E-bay.

Meanwhile, get some good stuff to eat, toss it on, and don't worry - you've got a real nice grill! (That unit was about 4-500 bucks when new!)

