IQue 110 with WSM 18.5"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mick
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For anyone using the IQue 110 with an 18.5" WSM, what damper setting gives you the best results? TIA!
Mick, can't say what's best but I can tell you what works for me. I leave the lid vent 1/2 to 3/4 open, close the bottom two vents and the third vent that holds the air adapter I close as much as the toggle bolt will allow. I use this set up with both my 18 and 22 with no problem.
Originally posted by Rodney B:
Mick, can't say what's best but I can tell you what works for me. I leave the lid vent 1/2 to 3/4 open, close the bottom two vents and the third vent that holds the air adapter I close as much as the toggle bolt will allow. I use this set up with both my 18 and 22 with no problem.

Thanks Rodney. I understand (and appreciate) what you said, and I think it will be helpful. But I was asking about the damper that's built into the blower (fan) itself. It has four different 'open' settings. I'm not sure, but this may have been added to the IQue design later.
Sorry Mick, I didn't know that the IQ had added that feature on the fan. Mine is about a year old. I'm kind of glad it does not have it, just one less thing to have to figure out. Good luck.
I have a 22.5, and use the largest setting (4??? - I don't have it in front of me). I would think, if not the largest, the next one down would work for the 18.
I just found out that the ID has a built in damper. I'm thinking about making something that attached to the face of my IQ as an upgrade. My WSM & IQ started to run away with the temps this weekend after about a 2 hour cook. It starts drawing air on it's own, without the fan running. Had to damper the top vent to lower the temp. That's not a good way to Q. That method can give your meat a bad taste.

the reason you got that draw from the Ique on it's own was probably because you had the top vent open to wide. I contacted IQUE with the same problem, especially on a windy day. They stated that the top vent should be about 1/4 to almost closed to keep from the natural draw from the top vent pulling air out of the bottom vent and the ique open fan vent area. I also put my ique in a plastic round bottle (the ique fit perfectly in it) to shelter the wind. it worked great.

I am not going to the auber for the new WSM's.
I also have the older version of the IQ. At first I followed the directions from the video and only opened the top vent about 1/8 or so. I would have a slight creosote flavor, and in searching this site ran across information about opening the top vent about 1/2. That's where I am now, no off taste at all. The IQ maintains temp within a few degrees no matter how much I screw it up. The only difference is I have a 22 but I think it is about the same for an 18. Next week 8 racks of pork loin ribs.
Has anyone had a problem with the IQUE110 running too low? I've used it about 5 or 6 times now and each time it seems like it takes forever to get up to temp and then it drops and doesn't really recover. Maybe I'm not using it right but it always seems like if I'm trying to get 250 - it won't get over 230-235 (measured on my Maverick 732). I did a turkey a couple of weeks ago and it required 350, I set it to 350 but even after 2 hours or so, it still wasn't getting over 275, so I opened the two bottom vents. Do I need to push all the coals over to the side where the manifold is? Should I not use the ring in the smoke chamber and just let the coals sit on the grate? Any advice would be great.

