Indirect Heat on a Weber 18.5"



New member
How quickly should my temps recover after opening/closing the lid on an 18.5" Weber Kettle? Seems to take about 15-20 minutes after opening the lid before they really recover. Also, how much charcoal is typically used and how do you go about adding more charcaol? I've been starting with ~30 briquets then trying to add 6 unlit briquets every 30 minutes. This gets me temps in the 250-350 range with the bottom vent fully open and temp adjustment being performed using the top vent.

One problem I have is getting the unlit briquets to evenly light once they've been added. Here's a picture of my setup:

Just trying to get some advice for a beginner on how to go low and slow!
I've never had to refuel my kettle, when I use it for grilling. I use charcoal baskets, and I top them off with fresh fuel before I light it. Are you trying to do a low and slow cook? There are some good methods (fuse or ring of fire) for doing that, if so.
On my 22.5 I get about 6 hours at around 225°F using full baskets, lit at opposite ends. I get kind of a "Minion Effect" doing this.
I light the coal in the baskets using 70% rubbing alcohol.
I'll have some coal left over that I recycle.

I don't think that the baskets (Weber sheet metal charcoal baskets) fit the 18.5 but you could fabricate your own with expanded metal and tie wire.

Heat recovery after opening/closing seems to be a non-issue for me using the above set-up.
It wants to run hotter than I want, so it's usually damped way down during the cook.

Kingsford Blue Bag
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