In praise of Krup...


Pat Barnes

TVWBB Pro grinders. I have 2 one for coffee and one for herbs,seasoning mixes,rubs and peppers. NEVER get them confused! They cost about $20 or so and last for years. I'm sure I was the last person to find out but the best/easiest way to clean them is to put some uncooked rice in it and grind it to a powder. Gets all of the residual stuff out and takes some of the odor,too. GOTTALUVEM!
My son got me started on them with the pair for Xmas. He told me that a good friend ahd ground some dried Habs one night and forgot to clean his(he had only one) for coffeee the next morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hence the two grinder option.
LOL!!! My son said after the guy recovered from his "steaming cup a joe" he RAN to the sstore and got another grinder that was white!!
A little late to the pst! Glad it worked for you guys. Sometimes I wrrry that I am the last one to find out these things and bother people unnecessarily with them.

