I'm tweeting my meat!!


joe thomas

I installed beta firmware version and am getting ready to do 4 butts.

As of now twitter and Stoker Log are playing nicely. For test purposes I have the Stoker update twitter every 2 minutes, I'll likely change to 5 minutes once I get everything situated. It will likely take an hour or so to get my cooker up to temp because I can't use a weed burner to start the coals. Meat probes are dangling outside of the cooker waiting for me to get the butts in place.

If anyone is interested the twitter page can be found here...

Just put the butts in the smoker, pit temp is set to 225 degrees F. I'll let these go until around 6:00 AM tomorrow morning.
Looks great Joe, what version of windows are you running. Any tricks to do to get it working? Or did you update ansd turn it on?
I got a few "unhandled exception errors" in stokerLog, I think 3 to be exact, all were within 10 minutes of me putting the meat on. I rebooted and everything ran fine for the duration of the cook.

Yeah the meat was done early but I decided on 6:00 AM so I could sleep through the night. All 4 butts appear to be done very nicely and not overcooked, I'll know more at lunch time, so I don't think there is a problem. Fortunately pork butts are very forgiving.

FWIW, I'm running Windows XP Pro. I guess I'm turning into an old timer because I cringe at the thought of running Vista or even windows 7. Besides most of the software I need for work feels very sluggish on Vista.

