I Get to Find Out How Good Stoker Service Is.


Tim Barbee

New member
I received my Stoker yesterday, I was working on programming it and trying to figure which port corresponded with the readout/probe slot in the Stoker/Log program. I unplugged the blower and found that half of the blower plug stayed in the unit. See pictures:

Tim, don't worry about what port is what... it's the plugs for the probes (and fan) that have a chip in them to id them. Just rename the probes and you'll always know what probe is what. I plug my stuff in a different way all the time to suit what I've got going on. It doesn't matter.
Wow, that is the first time I have seen this failure. Call John to get another. As Chris mentioned, there is no need to label them that way as they all share the same set of wires but have different IDs.
The other half of the plug is still stuck deep in the socket of the Stoker, I can't plug anything into that socket.
You're looking at the fan cable, the fan is useless right now. It won't plug in to anything right now.
I'll try calling first thing in the morning. I don't see how the cable tip can be removed without me sending it back.
So far I have had very good service with Stoker on this problem, the first time I called there was someone that answered and I sent my unit in the mail today to be repaired.
Stuff happens
I have not done this but I imagine it is pretty easy to remove the bit stuck in there if can open the box. There is a spring loaded tab which holds the jack and by lifting it and pushing the jack out, you should be good to go.

I would however check with John before doing this just in case he prefers to send you a new unit.
Originally posted by Amir:
I have not done this but I imagine it is pretty easy to remove the bit stuck in there if can open the box. There is a spring loaded tab which holds the jack and by lifting it and pushing the jack out, you should be good to go.

I would however check with John before doing this just in case he prefers to send you a new unit.

Well that's why I sent it too him, I didn't what to try digging it out and mess up the socket.

