HM 4.1 LCD failure?

Except you couldn't because you need 2 more backlight pins, BC337s, and resistors to drive it. Also like I said the ground and 5V are reversed so you can't make one HeaterMeter board that supports them both unless you put a jumper block to hook it up (which takes space too). No space on board!

Of course the firmware and web interface would have to be updated to allow you to assign colors to events. That's not trivial but I think the hardware is the bigger problem, apart from me not seeing it as more useful than the LEDs.
haha Not even an option. My goal is to lower the cost when possible, and make a smaller device. I just don't see adding another indicator light as really great feature.
That could work, if I cut the plastic between the header pins I could push them out under heat one at a time, good idea thanks

Use a heat-gun to preheat the row of pins. I usually mount it somehow to keep blowing on the pcb (not too close) while I hit each pin with iron & pry from one end to other. after a few runs through, you'll get the pins clear. Still not easy, but it works. I've also used circlip pliers to keep tension on the component I was removing - as the pins free up, they'll pull out a bit. Reset & go until all/most are free.

If you're confident that the LCD is bad, use it as a 'shield' & just heat & pull the LCD PCB off the header...I doubt you'll melt anything on the HM side. (famous last words)
Use a heat-gun to preheat the row of pins. I usually mount it somehow to keep blowing on the pcb (not too close) while I hit each pin with iron & pry from one end to other. after a few runs through, you'll get the pins clear. Still not easy, but it works. I've also used circlip pliers to keep tension on the component I was removing - as the pins free up, they'll pull out a bit. Reset & go until all/most are free.

If you're confident that the LCD is bad, use it as a 'shield' & just heat & pull the LCD PCB off the header...I doubt you'll melt anything on the HM side. (famous last words)

confident.... not entirely but it's really not useable as is, so if I sacrifice this one I sacrifice this one, I'll work on getting it off this week and order a new screen if I'm sucessfull, if I'm not I'll order all new parts and start from there. I have a sucker and braid, I'll see if I can't get better at desoldering anyway
A little trick I picked up - put some flux on the solder wick (braid) before you start desoldering with it. It makes a huge difference in sucking out the solder. You should be able to be successful with that technique.
A little trick I picked up - put some flux on the solder wick (braid) before you start desoldering with it. It makes a huge difference in sucking out the solder. You should be able to be successful with that technique.

Ok, thanks for the tip!
last update,

between the solder sucker and finishing up with the copper braid I actually got a pretty good desolder job done on the LCD and it came off pretty easily. Soldered a new one on and it's working perfectly again so it was definitely the LCD that failed. Just my luck right?
Not wanting to mod my v4.0 any further, yet still wanting an orange display, I've now got a new v4.1 unit, complete with an orange display!


