Hi from Richmond, VA


Eric Miles

New member
Hi everyone! I just made the switch to charcoal from gas and will be cooking with charcoal for the first time in my life. I'm retiring my 12 year old Web Genesis Silver which still runs great, but want to start using charcoal and doing some smokes. I'm looking forward to learning about the craft and honing my skills. I have a Weber Performer in transit and should be here on 7/19. I can't wait to fire it up! :greenperformer:
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Welcome to the forum Eric. You will find that this is a very friendly place and people here love to help and answer questions. Just a thought for you. Don't completely retire that Genesis. I rehabbed a 20 yr old Genesis 1000 a few years back and we use it regularly for quick cooks and my wife uses it but won't use any of my charcoal grills. You will love that Performer. It is easy to use and cooks really well. Enjoy the experience.
Welcome Eric. I also recently made the change from cooking on a gasser to charcoal on a Weber Performer. There is a lot of great info here. Glad you joined us.
Welcome Eric, your in the right place to learn and ask questions. You will love your Performer, there is so much you can do with it. Just enjoy and have fun cooking, don't forget to take pics we like them.

