HELP - Q's on Genesis Gold C "cooking" chamber is warped - roadside grill


Jeff Padell

I was driving to the bank and there was a roadside grill on the curb. I was sorely tempted to try to fit it in my jeep

The problems and the question I have are

question: the cooking chamber or whatever you call the big tub with the grates and flavorizor bars and gas tubes, it warped in at the top, more on one side than the other, the right top of the chamber is bent in about an inch and then down on the right side of the box the entire box is warped out, almost like there was a super hot fire from the center flame bar
OR WERE THEY MADE WITH A WARP OUT? I would assume that the boxes were all interchangeable so that a silver box and a gold box would swap out.

I wish I had kept the box from the Silver B that I tore apart to make my patio cart!

All the insides are rusted away, but I have the crossover bar and the flame tubes from the patio cart.

Also the cross bar on the left side is totally rusted away.

The good, the stainless lid is in nice shape, the side burner is nice and the one lift up tray by the side burner (the other on the left is missing) is nice.

I think it would take a fair amount of work to bring it back.

I am still tempted

