HELP! is it the stoker or me?


Lou DeFino

New member
I have a stoker, 4 meat probes, 2 pit probes, a 4 CFM fan, and a custom built manifold with a 30 foot cord, so that I can put it in my trailer.

Lately, it has been flaking out. For example yesterdays comp! It was about 9am, and I'm getting ready for turn ins, I've got ribs brisket and pork in the cooker and it is running a flat 225. I look over at one point, and the pit is at 350, and the fan is running constantly.

I usually use the Stoker logger, but this time, that wasn't on. It happens with or without the stoker logger. I have v2 of the stoker software.

I am thinking I need to run a shorter cable. or get a pit minder to control the temp, and the stoker to monitor the meat.

Your thoughts are appreciated.
There is one bug that you need to be aware of. Once in a while, when you power on stoker, it hangs with the fan on. If you run stokerlog, it will complain that it can't talk to it.

The fix is to unplug the fire probe, power on the device and then plug in the fire probe. You may then need to re-associate the probe with the blower again.

The bug is hard to duplicate and hence the reason it is not yet fixed.

Does the above match your situation?
A little late hear. But I have had issues when I used custom manifold with a 15 foot cord made out of 16 gauge extention cord. One thing is keep the blower on its own plug in helps

