Hello from Maryland



New member
Hi Everyone!

I’m the proud new owner of a 18.5” WSM.
I started my BBQ journey 25 years ago when my parents bought a Kenmoor gas grill and I learned to grill hots and hams for a bbq. After I got my own place, I decided charcoal would be the way to go. Started off with a store brand kettle (either Walmart or Kmart...maybe it was Bass Pro Shop... I can’t remember anymore). When the ash pan started falling apart, I treated myself to a nice 22” Weber Kettle. Been cooking and smoking on that, with a slow n sear, for about 4 years now. And now I’m excited to learn my WSM.

My favorite smokes are the nice long ones. Did a 12 lbs brisket on my kettle a couple weeks before I bought the WSM over a 10 hour cook at 275 and it came out awesome! Once I get a sense of the temp control on the WSM, I’m looking forward to doing it again on the new smoker.

