Hello from Central Ohio


Nathan FA

TVWBB Member
Hello, just signed up a few days back and figured I would introduce myself. I have done some lurking on TVWB over the past few years, mostly the cooking topics and some research on the forums. I currently own a 18.5" WSM, a 22" original kettle and a Genesis E-330. Before these I had an older 2 burner Weber(sold to my brother in law, still kicking). The WSM was my first smoker and I have had some pretty good luck with it, I think the only 2 bad outcomes I have have been brisket that was pretty dry.

I like to have gadgets so not long after I got the WSM I purchased a Pitmaster IQ110 and when the iGrill2 started to support Android I picked one up. If the Heatermeter existed when I got the pitmaster I probably would have went that route. I drilled a hole for the Pitmaster and iGrill probes, just a hole nothing fancy.

Over the past week the tinkering bug hit again when I decided that the original thermometer was not accurate enough and I had a bit to much leakage around the lid and door so did some more modifications. I ordered a new door from Cajun bandit with the compression latch and they also sent me the upgraded coal ring. I got a Tru Temp thermometer to replace the stock one. I picked up some black Nomex gasket from BBQgaskets.com for the lid and the door and I also picked up a bronze flange bearing and a hose clamp to make a nicer hole for the wires. The one last thing I got was some metal plugs to put in the bottom vents to ensure they don't leak at all(probably overkill).

I don't normally post a ton on forums but I always appreciate having a place like this to come research my hobbies(many of them).

Pic or it didn't happen

Smoking a Beer Butt chicken to test out the new modifications
Welcome to the forum Nathan. Nice little setup you have there. I was never the type that really posted a lot in forums until I joined this one and seem to post regularly. There's never nothing wrong with having to many gadgets.

