Now that I have some spare time I decided to make a couple microdampers. The problem came when I hooked the second one up to the heatermeter and the servo worked fine but the fan wasnt working, and then I noticed a slight burnt electrical smell coming from the heatermeter. I unplugged everything right away and luckily everything seems to be still working on the heatermeter except the fan, touching ground and blow on the board with a multimeter is 0 when I think it should have power. The burnt smell is coming from right around the rj45 plug the damper plugs into. I am looking for some advice on where to start trouble shooting the problem. The weird part is I wired this microdamper exactly the same as another one I have and a adapt a damper that both worked fine.
Fan/servo black to Blue
Fan red to blue/white
Servo red to green/white
Servo yellow to green
Fan/servo black to Blue
Fan red to blue/white
Servo red to green/white
Servo yellow to green