Bryan Mayland
TVWBB Hall of Fame
One of the thermocouple PCBs I assembled last weekend experienced "catastrophic shuffle" in the solder oven. I was able to repair it with the soldering iron so it passes QC now, but I don't want to sell it. First person who:
-- Is going to build a HeaterMeter in the next ~month
-- Has a US shipping address
-- Posts here first
-- Private messages me their shipping address
gets a free PCB with working Thermocouple amp and mini-K connector mailed to them first class in my next post office run.
-- Is going to build a HeaterMeter in the next ~month
-- Has a US shipping address
-- Posts here first
-- Private messages me their shipping address
gets a free PCB with working Thermocouple amp and mini-K connector mailed to them first class in my next post office run.