Have a Holly Jolly Kwanzaa-- Free Thermocouple PCB


Bryan Mayland

TVWBB Hall of Fame
One of the thermocouple PCBs I assembled last weekend experienced "catastrophic shuffle" in the solder oven. I was able to repair it with the soldering iron so it passes QC now, but I don't want to sell it. First person who:
-- Is going to build a HeaterMeter in the next ~month
-- Has a US shipping address
-- Posts here first
-- Private messages me their shipping address

gets a free PCB with working Thermocouple amp and mini-K connector mailed to them first class in my next post office run.
Thanks Bryan, it just arrived. Will probably build this weekend. Now with two, I will probably retire my 4.0 as soon as I have cases for both 4.2.4 boards. One case on way and will get second later.
Unlikely but I think the 4.0 will be retired so I will stay at two until the next major upgrade. Quick question. What is the best way to wipe an older ATMega? Take it back to default and give it the new software. I put an old one into Wednesdays build and all worked but the fan. Changed to the new ATMega and all worked perfectly. Bad ATMega or corrupted program?
The chances of the code being corrupted to the point that the only thing that doesn't work is the blower output is astronomically low. It's a much greater chance that the chip is busted, but that's someone unlikely too. I'd try just reinserting it and making sure all the pins are in the socket. Sometimes one pin gets bent outside the socket or folded up or something.

The AVR has an "erase cycle" done before new software is flashed to it every time. Technically the whole chip gets set to 0xff and programming only can turn off bits from there. So to wipe a chip, just flash something new on it and the old code is automatically erased.
That's what I thought. Will try it one more time but already tried it quite a few times. No pins bent. Well since I will retire the 4.0, I won't have to order a new one and then pay for more shipping. Thanks again. Bob

