grilling fish and seafood book recommendations?

A great book for seafood is "Fish Without a Doubt" by Rick Moonen. It has some recipes for grilling, plus many others you can adapt to the grill. Retaila for $35 but available on Amazon for about $23.

I recently ordered a couple of used fish cookbooks from amazon. Have not got them yet but will let you know how I like them.

"Fish: The Complete Guide to Buying and Cooking" Mark Bittman

"Fish & Shellfish: The Cook's Indispensable Companion" James Peterson

You can buy used cookbooks for very cheap on amazon and the reviews are usually pretty close to the truth. I put Fish without a doubt on my wish list.
Especially interested in the Petersen book. Have his book "Cooking" which is one of my primary reference guides.

Interested in comments as well from anyone who can compare "Fish & Shellfish" with his book.

Brian, also quite interested in what you think of Petersen's as well as Bittman's book.

Pretty much thinking I'll pick up Petersen's regardless.

