Grad party


Lewis B

TVWBB Super Fan
My oldest son graduated HS on Friday & he wanted pulled pork & brisket for his party. Borrowed my BiL 18" WSM & put 2 on top &2 on bottom. After a couple of hours had trouble with temps & could smell fat drippings. Found the butts were too large & drippings were hindering the fire. Then flare up when I opened the lid. Fired up my 22" & split the load. Saturday night I fired up both pits again - 2 briskets on each one. Dialed them in & let them do their work. Removed about 8:30 am on Sunday. Still very hot when sliced at 1pm. Also made 10lbs of potato salad. Baked beans, cheesy potatoes, mac & cheese, fruit & veggie trays & cake of course. Very nice party. Lot of work but SOO worth it!


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My oldest son graduated HS on Friday & he wanted pulled pork & brisket for his party. Borrowed my BiL 18" WSM & put 2 on top &2 on bottom. After a couple of hours had trouble with temps & could smell fat drippings. Found the butts were too large & drippings were hindering the fire. Then flare up when I opened the lid. Fired up my 22" & split the load. Saturday night I fired up both pits again - 2 briskets on each one. Dialed them in & let them do their work. Removed about 8:30 am on Sunday. Still very hot when sliced at 1pm. Also made 10lbs of potato salad. Baked beans, cheesy potatoes, mac & cheese, fruit & veggie trays & cake of course. Very nice party. Lot of work but SOO worth it!
Looks great!
Found the butts were too large & drippings were hindering the fire. Then flare up when I opened the lid.

How big were there butts? Do you not use a water bowl (empty or otherwise)? I've cooked 4 butts at a time on my 18" WSM and have never seen this type of issue. Regardless, looks like you got everything figured out and was able to salvage the cook. Great work!

