Good Price on used 22.5" WSM?


David P.

TVWBB Member
Figured this would be as good of a place to ask as any and I don't mean to stomp on anyone's threads either.

What would you consider to be a good price on a gently used 22.5" WSM that is only 2 years old?

I've seen used 18's go anywhere from $125-$165 depending on condition, etc.

What say ye on the 22.5"?
A great price would be anything under $200, but that's unlikely on a unit 2 years old in great shape.

I've paid anywhere from $130 to $250 for the 3 22.5s I've had. I feel anything between $200 and $250 for a unit in top used condition (no deep scratches, no dents, cooking grates not rusted, cover in great shape) is a good and fair deal.
It really depends on supply and demand in your area.

Do they show up often in your area?

Up here (NY) WSM's are very rare and 22's are EXTREMELY rare. I have maybe seen 2-3 in the last year. IIRC they were all listed for ~250 and were sold very quickly.

If they are rare by you then that might be a fair price for your area. If they are more common in NC then you may be able to wait for a better deal.
How about $225 in NC? I think $200 would be a really good deal. $225 good but not great depending on condition. Just thinking out loud...
I'm buying. I think $225 is good and fair for the stated condition. Having recently replaced grates on my 18, I'd rather not do that again. If they're rusted $200 would be ideal.
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If you want a 22" WSM I wouldn't beat yourself up over $50 on the price one way or the other. You won't regret spending that extra money once you start using it, I can almost guarantee that.
It turns out the 22" WSM was not in "like new" condition. I don't think it had ever been cleaned over the last two years. At first glance it looked like the unit needed three new grates, so they knocked the price down to $150, which I couldn't say no to. The grates are still soaking, but everything else has cleaned up pretty well.
I'm very excited and thankful for the deal. I'm looking forward to being able to lay some ribs down flat and try a brisket!

