Genny 1000 parts sale Vacaville. CA (not mine)

Dan, if this is close to you please go get it. You are the chosen one, like it or not. I would love to buy parts from you and I'm sure I'm not alone on this. Accept your destiny Dan! 😀 P.S : I need a pristine control panel! Where else am I going to find one?
Dan do you have the right-side plastic side table and mounting hardware and a gray, green or blue top
silver b with the temp gauge in the right side
Dan do you have the right-side plastic side table and mounting hardware and a gray, green or blue top
silver b with the temp gauge in the right side
Hi John,

I don't think I have an extra RH swing up table. I'll dig around this weekend. Maybe check eBay. I recall seeing some but they were a little spendy.

I may have a green lid to spare, and I might have a maroon platinum too.
Hi John,

I don't think I have an extra RH swing up table. I'll dig around this weekend. Maybe check eBay. I recall seeing some but they were a little spendy.

I may have a green lid to spare, and I might have a maroon platinum too.
You see that Dan, people are starting to ask you for parts. 🙂
I need an old toyota pickup 2wd lowered that gets good MPG and I could drive around and collect these things.
I would then need a hobbit hole to stash these.
Well I don't think you should be a brand snob about what kind of crappy pickup truck you need, but I'm sure you can get a nice, big shed of some sort from home depot to put in your backyard to hold all the great stuff you come across for free (mostly). I'm looking forward to purchasing parts from you as well 😉
Hi John,

I don't think I have an extra RH swing up table. I'll dig around this weekend. Maybe check eBay. I recall seeing some but they were a little spendy.

I may have a green lid to spare, and I might have a maroon platinum too.
i am very interested in the lids, are they new or used when you get time let me know if you have the table and what lids. look forward to hearing from you. thanks john
while you are looking around see if you have a Griddle for a Silver B or C
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Hi, I forgot to say, I need it for a 1999
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Hi, I forgot to say, I need this leg for a1999 Genesis 1000. Thanks, Steve

