Genny 1000 back burner not lighting



New member
I just bought a house and have yet to cook inside. Needless to say, the smile has been big and the food delicious. I have a Genesis 1000 from around '99 when they still had wood shelves. It had been covered and in a garage for about 7 years with a brief stint of use here and there.

Anyhow, I had been out of town last week. It was not covered. I lit it last night and nothing on the back burner. Front two work fine. The back half of the crossover tube flickers. The first couple inches of the back tube have very weak flames. Any good ways to fix this? I don't really think in need new burner tubes. They all worked fine until I didn't use it for a week. I have pics but don't see the option to add them.
Sounds like a spider got in the system somewhere and made a web, or some other critter is plugging it up. Are the spider guards in place? I would disassemble and clean really well, run a coat hanger up in there and blow everything out with an air hose if you have one. Check the controls too. Once the burner is off, make sure gas comes out when you turn that one on.

Congrats on the new home!
Ok, I'll take it apart and have a look. The spider guards are in place but it is entirely possible that one got in there. I am absolutely loving using the grill again. I have a ~1lb NY strip for this evening. :)
Took it apart and did not find bugs, webs, spiders, etc. What I did find was on the back burner control knob. In the center of the hole that goes into the tube was some white substance. It seemed hard. I knocked it out with a pointed awl type thing. It came out. I put it all back together and all three burners run now. :) I'm not sure what that was though.

