Genesis Silver C- - Frame Rust



TVWBB Member
After my last restore , I got another good (spoiled and tempted) deal - Silver C (2003 Model) with Two new Tanks of Gas for 75.
Stainless steel Grates, New Igniter, Tank Scale, Steel Flavorizer bars etc.

But has Rust on side where Cookbox is attached. What should I do to fix that? Any advice as most of the bar is good except that surrounding bolt area.

I saw one Post




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Please post a picture further out for context on exact location. I for one tend to be very visual. Thanks.
That's the only weakness on the old Gennys. What I do first make sure the frame is really dry...once the grill is apart the frame comes into the shop for a few days to dry out. Then I sand/dremel that area to get the rust/weak metal out of there.

Now depending on what's left I've simply rustoleum'd the living daylights out of both the inside and outside of the frame...but if it's bad I've also made patches out of sheet aluminum and JB Weld. It's not the most elegant solution, but once sanded and painted nobody but a Weber-head is going to notice.

If I had access to a metal shop I'd just cut out the bar and weld a new one in...but I'm not that good yet!
Thanks Kevin - Will try the Aluminium sheet and JB Weld. As I was almost thinking to Cut the piece and use angled Steel like

Anyways - Weber Warranty is awesome, i called them with issues on Firebox (Couple of holes) and they are sending me new box.
Also called today to mention that inside the lid, there are few white spots (sounds like Paint is removed as grease is already clean), they decided to send me new Lid as as well.

So all I need is to fix the frame and new grill is ready for cook.

