gas assist problem


John Boehm

My performer is only a couple of months old, and I usually get 3 or 4 five-minute starts off the propane tank. I thought you should get more like 10 starts off a tank. Is anyone else having this problem or know of a solution?
I get a lot more starts, at closer to 10 min each, out of my tanks. Makes me wonder if something is leaking. Hopefully it is just a batch of tanks that were not full.

I don't own a performer but a 1lb tank lasts a lot longer than 15-20 mins on my propane torch.
Like Mike, me-thinks you might have a leak. Check the connections with a soapy solution and watch for bubbles.

I was always taught to disconnect the head from the tank on a torch. Those tanks are disposable and ever so often you might get one that doesn't seat right. The tiniest of leaks will drain a tank eventually.

How cold is it outside ??? As those small tanks get low in cold weather its hard to get any pressure out of them,
Dave has a point but even when it's below freezing outside, I get a LOT more than ten starts. Typically I time these at six minutes for the gas. Something is definitely wrong.

