Garden question



TVWBB Wizard
I am raising potato‘s up here in NW Washington.
Most of my property is dense tall trees and there is only a little open area where we have lawns, flower gardens or fruit trees around our house.
Anyways this is the third year of my potato’s have been in the same spot because there isn’t really another place to rotate the crop to unless I want to cut up some lawn or something.

My question is can I alter the soil with a fertilizer (if so what kind) or do I need to just bite the bullet and grow something else there for a few years?
Are any of you hip on this?
Thanks guys.
Good question, potatoes are one of those crops that deplete the nitrogen in the soil over time. I guess the answer is to either rotate your crop or use a nitrogen rich fertilizer.
I'm not the best gardener, yet some crops need rotation not only for depleted minerals, but to keep harmful things from getting a strong foothold.

I would reach out to your local master gardeners. I know a couple around me and they have a wealth of knowledge. The other thing is the ones I know don't know everything, but they have lots of connections to find someone that does.

here's one that might be near you


