Fuel Placement with Stoker on a WSM


James Harvey

Hi All,

I posted this same question a while ago with very little feedback. I'm not sure if there is a better place to post it.

My first Stoker cook was 2 racks of backs. I set the temp to 225F. I filled the ring half way with RO lump taking care to minimize air pockets. I had very consistent temps through most of the cook (5 hours as they were pretty large backs) but I noticed a fairly large temp drop near the end of the cook. Looking at the fuel afterwards, there was a definite difference on fuel burn on the blower side vs the opposite side.

2nd cook was a smallish butt, 6# done during the day. Full ring MM specifically to avoid the temp issue (overkill for the butt size but was moreso testing usage). Had the same temp dropoff around 5 hours. Had to remove the mid section and re-arrange the remaining fuel for the last few hours to keep temps at 225F.

For both cooks, the bottom vents were closed save for the blower and the top was set at 25%. Used my Maverick to confirm pit temps set up an inch away from the Stoker pit sensor.

My reason for buying the Stoker was for long cooks / overnighters. Any thoughts?

Open the top vent all the way.

Are you using any monitoring application so you can see blower on time? I'm wondering if the blower is ineffective once the fuel burns away, because it can't blow enough air in due to not enough vent open to let the air out.

Never heard of anything like this. The only idea I have is to tap the legs and shake off some of the ash.

You will get an uneven burn pattern when using an ATC, however this has never caused any issues for me.

Also, I've only used RO Briquettes once and returned the bag as I wasn't impressed. Try another fuel.

