Frozen Pizza



TVWBB All-Star
I've done this several times in the past, but never really as my planned meal. In the past it was more of a fun thing to do as the remaining coals burn down after a cook.

This time though, I used a good (ahem, better) frozen pizza that I planned to eat as my dinner (instead of a midnight snack)

I used a freschetta flat bread pizza (zesty italian)

On the grill:

Done: (enough. I would have preferred to toast the cheese, but i didn't want the bottom too burnt)

On the plate:

More text and pics on my blog: grilling frozen pizza

My parents wouldn't let me fire up the oven in the summer just to cook a frozen pizza, so off to the gas grill I would go. It worked ok on our cheap gas grill, but I think charcoal would do much better.

I may have to try it this summer.
Good looking pizza. I love to do pizza on the grill with a pizza stone. The smoke, the crisp crust, the infinite choice of toppings,,,,making me hungry to just think about it.


