Four-Way Button Issue


Brian Foster

New member
I have completed my HM build and am having a problem with my 4-way button. When I power up my HM the LED displays all the commands as shown on the instructions, but I am only able to scroll to the left. Nothing happens when I click up, down and to right. I have gone through and reflowed all my connection, but that hasn't corrected the problem. Any help you guys could offer is appreciated!
I'd suggest starting by putting a multimeter on the bottom right corner pin (looking from the top) and a GND connection (either the FTDI or Probe pinheader works) and measuring the voltage. Should be 0V normally, Right=2.375V Up=1.969V Down=1.039V Left=0.575V. You can also check the voltage at each pin of the button, they should all be 3.3V except the top right and bottom right. If they're not 3.3V then check the corresponding resistor to the right of the button to make sure you have the right value in there and that it reads 3.3V on both sides.

