first smoke with stoker log


Keith Angilly

TVWBB Member
Threw in a butt to put the new stoker/stokerlog through the paces. I used the Chris Lilly injection. I have never injected before and I'll probably not do much in the future, but I figured I'd give a "shot".
I also set up the twitter (follow "stokerupdate") just to see how it works. Ironically, my son has rescheduled baseball game tomorrow, so I may actually have a real use for it!

Just checked out your cook on Twitter, did you actually do two cooks? Looks like you may have added some cold meat around 6:00 a.m. Pacific.
Hi Larry,

Yes, threw some short ribs in when I got up.


I won't bore you with another picture of a butt. It came out great. I'm torn about injecting or not. It was really good, but I think I like the clean meat only flavor of just rub on the outside. The stokerlog did stop working once and I had to hit f5 to get the blower to come on. I changed the power setting (to disks always on) and I didn't have a problem after that. There were a couple other issues, none related to the stoker. The temps ran high for a bit, so I tracked down some spots where I thought air was getting in. I also think I could have tightened up the top vent a little sooner. Anyway, the stokerlog worked almost flawlessly for 22 hours. And I did get the updates while watching my kid play ball! Overall, I am really liking this. It allows me to really pay attention to the meat side of things. Thanks again to everyone who contributes here!


