First run with DigiQ DX


Chris Bjork

been short on time lately so I took off of work to rake some leaves and get a quick cook in. First run with the BBQ Guru DigiQ DX. I picked up the sheet metal plugs from Home depot and installed the adapter. looks sharp and less worries about tape falling off.

I got cute with it and tried more of a fuse burn method that my standard method (dumping a chimney of lit on the pile). Unfortunately there wasnt enough lit and I could only get my WSM22 up to 262. The plan was to do some chicken thighs at 275. after realizing the situation, I dropped the temp down to 255 and she cooked away. The lid detect worked awesome. quick lid lifts didnt trigger it but when saucing and checking temps it triggered. bassically just shut off the fan and waited for temps to get back up. never had a problem overshooting even with the top vent wide open.

Fun toys. cant wait to give it another run

I have one and it works nice. The fan has a bit of a design flaw - if the wires get pulled it can pull the solder joins right off. I put some gaffers tape (similar to duct tape) on mine so if the wires get pulled the force won't go all the way to the end.

In terms of getting it started I mound up the charcoal (think rough pyramid shape) and if I'm going for the 200s I put a small amount of lump on top, and the 300s more like half a chimney otherwise it takes a long time (to hit 350 on my 22" I also usually have to open another vent). I put the wood chunks around the edges so they won't light right away. Seems to work fine. I basically get that going and then do all my meat prep while it's heating up so even if it takes a while that's fine. I always allow an hour just in case but it doesn't normally take that long. Since you don't have to watch it, it's no big deal.

