First run of my custom made rotisserie on 07 spirit e310



New member
Hi guys, here's a video of my first test run on my new custom made rotisserie. For the test I chose to do bbq rubbed chicken pieces smoked with hickory and apple wood and honey glazed roasted root vegetables. Medium to high temp for at least one and half hour. Let you know of the results after I eat :)
Thank you LMichaels. Though it's been very hot (105 F, 45% humid.) for the past month here in "paradise" :)
Oh yeah, I know I have been on the Adriatic side in Italy thinking I had met my end from heat stroke with temps regularly from 38 to 40! Worse yet nowhere could I find A/C. This big fine body of mine NEEDS a/c at anything 85F and above. My clothes were drenched, I left puddles (literally) wherever I sat down. Beautiful as it was I was in misery LOL.

