First HH Brisket - I am a believer


Scott C

New member
This was my first attempt at a HH Brisket. I picked up a 7 lb Brisket flat from Meijer and did not have high expectations considering this was just a hunk of flat. But let me tell you this was one of the best Briskets I have ever done.

<LI> Trimmed up the Brisket
<LI> Injected with 1 cup of Butchers Prime Brisket Injection (1/2 cup Butchers to 1 cup water)
<LI> Patted dry
<LI> Light coat of vegetable oil
<LI> Rubbed with Meathead's Big Bad Beef Rub (
<LI> Fridge for 2 hours
<LI> Fired up the Weber Performer/Smoke-EZ with Kingsford Blue and Hickory chunks (3/4 circle)
<LI> Added 1/2 Gallon of water for moisture during smoking (first 2 hours)
<LI> 3/4 Chimney lit coals on one edge
<LI> Bottom vents open 1/2 way for more air flow
<LI> Hooked up DigiQ and set it to 335 F
<LI> Cooked fat side down for 2.5 hours
<LI> After 2.5 hours pulled it out to foil (temp was 153 F)
<LI> Added 1.5 cups of beef broth, foiled and back in the smoker still fat side down
<LI> Checked it after another 2.5 hours and it was ready
<LI> Transferred brisket/juice to a new aluminum pan and into a cooler with towels for 2 hours

Rubbed and ready to go in the smoker

After 2.5 hours and ready for foil

Sliced and ready to eat

I ended up overcooking it just a bit, so I know next time to start checking it after 1.5-2 hours in foil. But as you can see the results were great. Tender, juicy and flavor profile was spot on. All this in 7 hours start to finish. Consider me a High Heat convert.
looks like it was cooked for 12 hours at 225!!!

Good call on the injection, i always do that when I go high heat!!

