Expected temps on a Weber kettle

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Yeah, I once got a nasty burn on the bottom of my forearm reaching down and across to close the vent on my OTG. It gets HOT!

One of the interesting phenomena with my red Performer is that when it gets really rip roaring hot, the grill changes color from red to brown, then back again when it cools off. Pretty cool.

Originally posted by Pat Smith:
Yeah, I once got a nasty burn on the bottom of my forearm reaching down and across to close the vent on my OTG. It gets HOT!


I did the exact same thing on a kettle, now I walk around...ouch!!
Pat, mine does the same. Almost looks burgundy when it gets really hot - the color changed so much my wife thought it was yet another grill....
Ok, with smoe left over coals, and a chimley started and full of hot coals. Dumped and gave it 15 minutes.

Side of my kettle peaked at 420F.
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