Does the stoker serve JSON?


j ostheim

TVWBB Member
I don't have a stoker, I built my own temperature control system following Bob Hruska's plans.

However I have built a web application around my system that I'd like to extend to Stoker and DigiQ (and others). The system depends on hitting the controller for data via the web (an http call), and having the controller return a JSON string (javascript object notation, allows cross-domain browser calls).

So question is what kind of web pages does Stoker serve up? Can you change them?

If not, anyone know how I can contact the makers of the Stoker?

If the Stoker can be made to serve JSON, then my web app would (already does for my homebrew controller) log (and store for posterity) all the data and plot it in a webpage. It could also potentially let you control your Stoker over the web (not just on your local network, but over the entire web).
I too asked about this earlier. The answer is yes if you upgrade your firmware. No sure about doing this based on the posts here.

My solution is a Perl Module that pulls in the Stoker WEB page and, via a regular expression search, parses the sensor information into JSON output that mimics the Stoker's JSON specification.

This code could probably be adapted to javascript ajax application that accomplishes the same thing.

You, or anyone else, is welcome to the code. Let me know.


Thanks for the reply, if I could get someone to explain the upgrade process I could at least post that on my site and make people upgrade to do it.

Problem with the perl service, is I am trying to do this in the browser so non-technical folks would not have to download anything at all. This is quite possible, the stoker just needs to produce json on a url (actually jsonp, with a callback).

Anyway lets see what less we dig up, otherwise I might package up your perl script and make one put it on your computer to run as a daemon to produce the data...

Who built that upgrade? Is it Rock, or a 3rd party?

I'd like to talk to them about enabling jsonp (trivial to do for them, basically just add a &callback=whatever parsing to the url, and then add whatever(); to the end of the json string).

Thanks for the info, that is awesome if they enable jsonp, I can just use that json representation exactly.

