DigiQ DX2 vent settings?



TVWBB Emerald Member
Anyone have a tried and true vent setting for the 18.5 WSM? I realize this is dependent on each smoker and how well its sealed off but was wondering if everyone is setting there's about the same regarding the blower vent and the top dome vent. I guess the type of fuel/coal and weather comes into play as well. Thanks
I'd think it depends on which CFM blower you're using, Neil, as well as your blower damper settings - For my 22.5 WSM, I have a 10 CFM blower with the damper closed/open halfway; all lower vents are completely closed (save the blower vent, naturally), and the top vent is cracked open about the width of a dime, or perhaps just a tad bit more. That's my setup for running low and slow, and I've enjoyed considerable success with it; if you want to go with higher temps, you may have to modify that configuration accordingly to allow more oxygen in.

Unless someone using your exact same ATC device model, CFM output, and WSM size can speak specifically to your needs, I'd suggest trying out my configuration and changing up the other settings if or as deemed necessary.


I ran mine pretty good this past weekend for an overnighter and then a rib cook. I ran all bottom closed except the one with the Digi and the damper was open 50%. The top vent was at ~30% open. The digi was rock steady the whole time. The fan did seem to cycle on/off often, but I am guessing that's the way they run.
Thanks RL & Mike. I tested my 10CFM for the first time last week and it controlled pretty well. I think I can cut-back some on the top vent as I had it at 50% most of the time. I ran the bottom at 50%. I threw in what was equivalent to probably half a ring of kingsford banked all the way around on the sides and a few in the middle. I tried to hit 350* at the end but it would only give me 300* so I went ahead and shut it down. I was impressed that it hit 300* after seeing what coals were left after a couple hours. I noticed that the coals located where the fan blows in the smoker were "burnt-out" more than the rest of the ring. Do any of you bank more coals to the one side where the fan blows in or just put them in as usual?
I did a full ring and 12 to 15 lit on Friday night and got 275 in less than 45 minutes. The rib cook I did a half a ring piled in the middle and let 12 to 15 and hit 250 in a similar time. Seems like cheating ;)
Do any of you bank more coals to the one side where the fan blows in or just put them in as usual?

I pour mine into the center of the ring, but then again, as I've opined before, the cheapskate in me cooks at least two butts and a brisket flat each time I use the WSM, so I fill the ring completely, and then some....


Hi. For the last 7 or 8 years I've been running with top and bottom vents fully closed. Only times I've needed to open at all has been

- while cooking in temps well below freezing
- during cold weather and damp cooks.
- when I've wanted to push the pit north of 300*F

That said it's been extremely rare.

I'm runng an 18.5"WSM and 10 CFM PitViper.

BTW, This has held for my competitor and my DigiQ and is irrespective of whether I'm using lump or Kingsford.

About to break in a CyberQ Wifi. Will post up if it's any different but truthfully I don't expect it to be.
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Thanks Rob. I was also able to close it up several hours into the cook and this is with the factory model. No cajun bandit door or nomex.

