DigiQ DX2 new user



TVWBB Super Fan
I thought I would make a post to post my experience with my new DigiQ on my 18.5" WSM. If you are looking at controllers as I was there are lots of great information here and throughout out the web.

First off I purchased my kit from Firecraft as they have nice complete packages designed for your smoker. I set it up pretty much as everyone else instead I decided to also tape over my remaining two vent dials as I would not be needing them. When I was playing around with the unit inside before my first cook the first thing that really stands out is the quality of this instrument. It is well made and has a very nice finish on it. I also loved that the probes were longer than most digital thermometers.

I do want to report on something however that I was able to dial in that I at least did not find much detailed information on, the dampener on the fan. I went with the Pip Viper 10 cfm fan which is also used on on the 22" WSM so right off the bat I am thinking it will need to be dialed down but how much or what procedure to use I had no idea. Many of the YouTube videos I watched proved that setting it "oh about here" seemed to work okay but again I was not assured of the right set up procedure. My first cook with the DigiQ was a brave one, 16 lbs of Butts for a through the night cook. I lit the fire 7:30pm and everything went as expected. Meat on and pit temp temp set at 230 and everything looking good. As with any new product I stayed around and watched, for one I was interested in the light that showed the fan warble but I really did not see the fan working. For a while I was concerned but waited it out. Then after 2 more hours I started seeing the temp go above the set temp and I knew now why the fans were not on. It was getting draft air and it had to be from the damper because my other two vents are sealed and my door really seals nice. Thinking that the draft through it was the cause of the extra air I pushed closed the damper to 1/3 open. Within 30 minutes I saw the temp reduce and then as expected the fan came on at 230 and worked great through the cook. I went to bed at 1am and still sitting at 230 with the occasional blast of the fan. Having peace of mind I decided not to set an alarm and see it through. After all that is why I purchased this. I woke up at 4:30 and curiosity got me to take a look and walla still at 230. I was quite pleased. So as no expert I offer you this advice in setting yours, think more about the draft without the fan than with it on when setting your damper position.

To test this out further on my second cook I did a meatloaf with plans to do jerky after. After pulling the meatloaf for dinner I dialed back the Q to 170 and after supper that is where it was and proceeded to hang some jerky in it. Again it did just as I expected and brought the temp down. I should add that the charcoal load was a smaller load from the beginning. Most of my cooks were with foiled 14" clay saucer but I did try the jerky with the water pan thinking I needed it to keep the temp down. Next time I will try it with the clay saucer thinking the moisture is not a good thing with making jerky.

I am also quite pleased with the meat probe. Every cook I also used my mav 732 and both were either exact or within 2º. I am thinking of selling my 732 now as it is not needed. Something to think about if you are looking to buy a 732, use that money to help the purchase of the controller.

Anyway thanks to all the good information that I read before my purchase. I hope in some small way this helps at least one person.
Smoke on....
We have a DX II as well as Aubers and Pitmaster. I prefer the DX II, so much that I have another on the way. I feel that it has better fan control rather thqn just on or off, plus you can damper the fan if you need to. You will love it for overnights.
Congrats on that purchase Ray, I know you're going to love it!! I recently received my DX2 (August) and I'm tickled pink with it. I have a 22.5 WSM, and on the first couple of runs I set the damper at 50% with other 2 bottom vents closed 100% and the top vent approx 75-85% closed. i didn't like having the top vent so restricted, SO for my cook of 4 butts Friday night-yesterday morning, I dialed the blower damper down to around 2/3's closed and was able to maintain a constant 225 degrees for 12 straight hours - with the top vent 100% OPEN (no wind blowing helped I'm sure). This was a perfect cook, the pulled pork was the best I think I've done yet. Salvaged a full chimney of unspent charcoal this morning when I cleaned the smoker. Like you, I also used the Maverick in conjunction with the DX2 so that I could remotely monitor, but I didn't on this last cook. Don't know if I'll run the extra probes again, doesn't seem like its necessary any more - I have confidence in the DX2 now, and can go to bed without worrying. :) And that's worth every penny of the cost, imho.

Another thing I did was to reposition the adapter so that its NOT pointed directly down on the coal bed, its now pointed slightly sideways to the coals. Did this because I noticed a lot of ash on a brisket when I had it pointed directly upon the coals.

Did you have any problems getting the adapter to seat flush on inside AND outside of the WSM base? I did at first, and then read a hint to loosen the nut on the screw a little...that worked like a charm!
Congrats on your purchase. I enjoy using mine too. Set it where you want it and walk away until times up.

