Digi-Q with stoker fan?


Dan Smith

New member
Can you run a digi-Q with a stoker fan? I like the automatic damper in the stoker fans but could really do without the wifi connectivity issue of the stoker that many people are talking about. I know probably not every stoker has this issue, but with my luck, I will get one that does.
Does the Stoker fan power plug fit the DX2? Although I'm not familiar with the Auto Dampner feature, if you mean it just closes the dampner when the fan stops, based on air pressure, and the fan lead is just positive and negative, it should work - provided it fits the BBQ Guru adaptor. If not, you'd have to get the Stoker adaptor.

Interesting question as I do know a few folks have wondered about the air flowing freely through the BBQ Guru's fans when they are off, so an auto dampner sounds like a neat idea to explore.

I agree, that while I'm a tech nerd too, I know all too well how networked wifi gizmos hiccup (sometimes quite frequently), and I can't imagine anything worse than something happening while I'm sleeping with a long cook, and guests coming the next day, resulting in a disaster. Imho, a DX2 with a Maverick remote set correctly is the most reliable set up you can have, short of sitting beside the smoker the entire time. My .02 fwiw.

I'd be very interested to hear from folks with alittle more experience with both products.
I have a bbq guru that is about 5 years old, it has served me well. It does not have wireless capabilities, so that is my main reason for wanting to upgrade. Also if you start a fire that is a bit too hot, the fire will draw air thru the fan regardless of whether it is runing or not. Consequently the case is a bit melted from one of my over-temp bbqs when I was first learning to use it. What ultimately worked best for me was to use the minion method with a full ring of kingsford and the damper about half open. After about an hour the temp would stabilize, and the fan would pulse. I could keep the temp at 240, give or take 10 degrees for about 12 hours.

