Digi-Q mounting ideas?


Ronnie F

New member
I recently purchased a digi-q and after unpackaging it last night was wondering how to mount this to my 18.5" wsm. the mounting plate looks like it was designed with square smokers in mind (or simply bending it and placing it on a table). ive also noticed that bbq guru does sell a magnetic clip that attaches to the plate, but im not even sure the wsm is magnetic (or magnetic enough). im looking for a non permanent way (no holes) to mount this so i dont have to keep a table next to the smoker every time i cook. if anybody has some suggestions, preferably with pictures... it would help a lot. thanks in advance.
I was searching for something else and came across your post.
I haven't mounted my Digi-Q - have you considered screwing it onto a leg? This is what I am thinking of, rather than just leaving it on the ground, so it is more upright and better covered by a poly bag when it is raining.
Another thought is to use one of those kettle tool hangers, though they may introduce air gaps.
BBQ Guru does have a magnet (or at least used to) that you could mount the bracket on -- I use that for one of my DigiQs, and I mount it through the top handle of the cooker (otherwise it will fall off).

Another option is to bolt the bracket onto the fan, assuming you have on of the fans with the tab and slot on it (usually you have to request this).

Hope this helps.
Bent the plate bottom to about 60 degrees and screwed it to a chunk of 8/4 oak lumber. Sits on the patio visible from the lounge chair in the family room.
Just use the standard Guru mount and drill the hole. You can get a silicon stopper for the hole when not using it.

Here's a thread with pics about how I mounted my Stoker using a Guru adapter.
Standard Guru Mount on WSM

If you look through the thread you can see the "dog bowl" method. You could use this method for a guru blower if you don't want to drill the WSM.

