digi q/fan - wind question



TVWBB All-Star
So with the digi-Q and fan, the vents are closed except for one hole which has the fan. Besides the lack of insulation in the WSM, is the wind still a concern?
Actually, Mike, the top vent is cracked open - in my case, it's about 1/8-inch - to act as an exhaust. I use my WSM w/DigiQ DX on an attached, screened-in back porch, and am surrounded by a privacy fence and houses on all sides; consequently, I don't know if that qualifies as being subject to wind speeds and gusts, but in any event, I've not experienced any significant differences in cooks conducted in windy vs still conditions. Hope that helps.


Wind is always a concern when smoking.

Is it better to have an ATC (than not) during windy conditions? YES.

At some point the wind speed will overcome the closed system, with an ATC (except for the top vent), and make it difficult to smoke.

