Digi-Q 2 Not Providing Enough Air Input


John S Vale

New member
Last week I was smoking Beef Back Ribs and my Digi-Q 2 Controller and the 10 CFM fan from the original BBQ Guru were struggling to get the grate temp up to 250F. I cracked the door open a bit and the temp zoomed up very quickly. So it was clear that there was not enough air input into the bottom of my 18.5 inch WSM.

I speculated the either the fan failed or the air input path through the WSM adapter had become clogged.

However, the fan unit checked out OK and when I blew through the blower port it seemed clear.

But when I took the adapter apart I immediately saw the problem. Somehow the screw running from the inside deflector plate and through the open vent hole to the outside Draft Inducer had loosened up, after about 3 years, and thereby allowing the vent cover to rotate to an almost fully closed position. See This

So if you have not checked the alignment and tightness of the WSM adapter for a while, it may be a good idea to do so.


