Digi DX 2 Running 2 Cookers


Gary Hodgin

TVWBB Super Fan
Anyone ever use the digi DX to run 2 cookers at a time using the split blower fan from guru? I'm thinking of getting a second WSM in the near future.
That's not exactly how that works. You only have one temperature probe with the DigiQ so one pit would be operating correctly and the other fan would be blowing or not blowing in Pit 2 based on the temperature inside the pit 1. Does that make sense?

I think the fan splitter is for adding more horsepower to one big pit.
Yes, that makes sense. I went back and read about the blower splitter and I thought it was referring to running two cookers at the same time. I thought I'd just have to add a fan, probes, adapter, and splitter to be able to control two cookers from one digi. Doesn't seem to be the case. I've emailed guru and haven't heard back.
They have great customer service / reply time, sure you'll get a email shortly. At least thats my experience with them.

