Debating between Go Anywhere and Smokey Joe

I'm looking to get a small charcoal grill to add to my propane weber and WSM.

I would use it when i want some charcoal flavor, but more really for when i need ultra high heat which my Genesis can't deliver (shrimp, thin steaks, burgers etc.)

I'm undecided between the SJS and GA grills. Does one deliver more heat to the grate? I know the GA grate is closer to the charcoal, but does it make much of a difference?

I wouldn't mind the ability to sear and then finish off to the side, which seems complicated with the GA, but easier with the SJ.

Neither will be used for travelling.

Me personally I like my SJG & SJP because the cooking is the same as the larger kettles because of the shape and design is the same being rounded for the heat distribution evenly hence why the kettles are designed the way and shaped like they are and why they cook fabulous. I personally have no desire for the CGA, but I sure love any chance to get all the other Weber kettle models to add to the collection and cooking arsenal.
i have a GA gas... but i havent used it yet. i can say that i have used my smokey joe... and i was amazed at the results. as Rob mentioned...same shape and function as the larger kettles... so same great results.
If you're looking for heat, the SJ is the way to go. I can warm things up on my gga, but I can get a sear with a SJ.
Dont get the charcoal GA. The vents are on the side and they are very hard to adjust and have terrible airflow for turning up the heat.

