Dead Screen?



New member
I need some help. I just finished up my first HM build, and everything runs great. The web interface works and I even have the Wi-Fi running. However I get nothing on the screen. It lights up, but does not display anything. I have adjusted the dial on the potentiometer and even checked the continuity per the design ( I am starting to think that I may need a fresh set of eyes to take a look. However, I admittedly did install the screen backwards at first. After some time with a solder removal tool I did get it loose and re-installed correctly. Like I said, I did check continuity so I hope that wasn't the issue. Here are the pics of my build:
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After taking a second look at it the next day I decided to check the continuity within the display board itself. I found that the second pin from the right did not have continuity back to the internal components of the display board.I decided to roll the dice and install a jumper wire to where I thought it should connect to. It turns out my gamble worked and everything appears to be working great. Next step, figure out how to get it to control a pellet smoker.

