CyberQ Damper Question


Scott in SoCal

TVWBB Member
I just used my CyberQ WiFi for the first time. It worked really well, but I found myself adjusting the damper fairly often. Does anyone have any tips for setting the damper and then just leaving it alone? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks
You want to close it enough so the pit temperature doesn't rise when the fan isn't running, but not so much that it can't maintain your target temperature.

I have a CyberQ WiFi with a Pit Viper 10cfm fan. Most of the time, my damper is about 1/2 open.
I have a CyberQ WiFi with a Pit Viper 10cfm fan. Most of the time, my damper is about 1/2 open.

Bob - Do you leave it halfway for the entire time, or do you make any adjustments when it initially gets to temp? I'm wondering if I should leave it open fully when I start the WSM (using the Minion method), and then when it gets to temp adjust it to halfway open.

Thanks for your advice!
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Do you leave it halfway for the entire time, or do you make any adjustments when it initially gets to temp?
I don't touch it during a cook unless there is a problem maintaining my target temperature.

I manually bring my WSMs close to my target temperature, before I turn the CyberQ on. I find it works better that way.
I manually bring my WSMs close to my target temperature, before I turn the CyberQ on. I find it works better that way.

Interesting idea. On my first cook with the CyberQ, I used too many hot coals to start, and had a horrible overshoot -- to something close to 300*. I was thinking that next time I'd only use a half-dozen or so, and let the CyberQ bring the temp up to where I want -- usually 225-250*.

I'll have to think about the idea of getting to temp manually, and then letting the CyberQ take over. Food (smoked, of course) for thought...

