Cyber Q II Software Modifications


Steve Roxberg

TVWBB Member
The BBQ Guru was kind enough to let me have a copy of their source code for CyberQ II interface.

In a past life I was a programmer so I'm treating this as a hobby project to modify their code to better suit my needs.

I have drawn out a plan that I believe will allow me to modify their program to allow remote control of the unit from cell phones and remote computers.

I am starting with small changes and will progress to more major changes as I become familiar with the code.

The first change that I made was to the e-mail function. The current version sends an e-mail but the values for pit 1 and pit two are intermixed as shown below and I found that annoying since I currently only use one pit

Old e-mail format was like this:

Food1 Temp: 71
Food2 Temp: ---
Food1 Setpoint: 190
Food2 Setpoint: 185
Pit1 Temp: 226
Pit2 Temp ---
Pit1 Setpoint: 225
Pit2 Setpoint: 200
Fan1: 0
Fan2: 0
Cook1 Timer: 00:00
Cook2 Timer: 00:00

Since I only use only pit at this time I have changed the e-mail to display as follows.

Food1 Temp: 71
Food1 Setpoint: 190
Pit1 Temp: 226
Pit1 Setpoint: 225
Fan1: 0
Cook1 Timer: 00:00

If the second pit is being used it will display in the same order as above but underneath the pit1 info.

I would love suggestions of other folks on items they would like to see changed. Items I've thought of so far.

1. Change order of e-mail and make pit 2 information contional. Done
2. Modify code to allow remote update from any web enabled device that can read and update a SQL database.
3. Clean up the main display so that if one Pit is being used it's cleaner.
4. Allow setting to be saved and recalled. Example, I always want my pork should to cook at 230 and the meat to warn me at 195. Basically would allow you to set all items and then save the settings with a unique name for later recall. I could see saving setting for Brisket, Pork Shoulder Ribs.
5. Create conditional alarms based on time, temp, fan speed. Example, ribs cooked with the 3-2-1 method. I would be able to set up e-mail alarms that at 3:00 would sent a message that says "Foil" at 5:00 it would say Unwrap and baste, 6:00 check for done. Temps could also be used for foiling, basting, rotating what ever. The fan warning would monitor the fan output. If it is constantaly going 100% it should mean that you are getting low on fuel.

I beleive that BBQ Guru would allow me to provide my version of the code for free to anyone that wants it, but will have to verify that fact.

Please, Please make your suggestions known and I'll try to incorporate them.

The e-mail changes are done and work great. For now I'm done with the e-mail changes that I can think of which were to consolidate all of the information for Pit one together, and all the information for Pit Two togeter and making Pit two conditional based on the Pit2 Temp. That works great.

I have also cleaned up a lot of the text lables. I actually have a large LCD monitor 27" and run Windows 7. So I have my text enlarged to 125% which allows my old eyes to see it a bit easier. That setting made a few screen labels appear cut off, so I've fixed that.

I am now working on getting familiar with the code and considering my next changes. The next changes may be to establish some time based messages. This is what I'm thinking about.

1. Establish a timer with a reset button. This will allow you to start and heat up the smoker and then when the meat actually goes in you can hit the start or reset button and it will track the actual smoking time.

2. Then based on this timer allow a user to establish some set times that an e-mail will be sent and a custom message field. So you will receive all the other standard e-mail information but you will also receive your comment. Foil, Baste, Unfoil, Rotate, etc.

Any thoughts? I would love your ideas and requests.

Even users of the Stoker software can chime in with requests or tell me what they like most about the Stoker program.

Steve, Can't WAIT! When I'm doing Comps mostly always by Myself (Wife and Daughter are sleeping) it would be like having another person there reminding me of my next task. I assume that the Cyber will still have the ability to go back to original setting/use? Also, what about someone being able to hack in? It should be able to alert my Blackberry? Looking forward to this. Thinking I would put a larger screen in my Comp. trailer?
My changes are to the PC software so it won't change how the standalone CyberQ works one bit.

Hacking in would be difficult since I will be implementing security to prevent it. A user name and password will be required to access the web based portion of this project.

So it sounds like the variable based warnings would be nice. I was going to initially limit it to about five but I may open it up so that it's basically unlimited.

Question for CyberQ users - Do you like the slide bars for setting temps etc on the main screen. I hate using sliders they are hard to dial in exactly what I want and take up a lot of room on the screen. I'd rather just manually type in the number or select it from a drop down menu.

Keep the suggestions coming.
Would you be willing to share the code you received.

I have just started learning to code and would love to see it.

Sure, are you currently a customer of The BBQ Guru? Or just interested in looking at some real C# code.

You can send me an e-mail at my first initial followed by my last name at kc . rr . com
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BMerrill:
Do you or does anyone have the code for the Stoker? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
There is no code for Stoker. For that matter, was was confirmed earlier, there is no code for Guru either.

The code being talked about is the software which runs on the PC and reports/controls the box. The firmware running in the box is not available for modification.
Wished it was open source.
Besides going thru Rocks BBQ, how can I contact the software developer, Kaytat. I have some ideas I want to pass along. I know they have a facebook page. Any direct email address?
Probably best to go through John. That is how I found him.

BTW, the poor guy has never gotten a return on writing this software so I would not expect him to be responsive to new development but you can try
Amir is correct and I'm sorry if I misrepresented what I'm working on. It is the PC software that interfaces with the CyberGuru II, but not what I would call the firmware burned to a EPROM on the device itself.

I'm limited to what I can control.

